The vertical tube furnace with a vulcanization bed is equipped with high-purity quartz tubes. The furnace tube is equipped with a stone boat embedded with a porous quartz plate, and the aperture of the quartz plate can be customized separately. The powder can be placed on a porous quartz plate, and gas can be introduced from the lower end of the furnace tube. The sample particles are suspended in the heating area through the porous quartz plate for deposition experiments. The curing bed vertical tube furnace is suitable for CVD process, such as silicon carbide coating, ceramic substrate conductivity test, two-dimensional material growth, controlled growth of ZnO nanostructures, Ceramic capacitor (MLCC) atmosphere sintering and other experiments. It belongs to a kind of tube furnace.
High temperature vertical tube reactor
PID control method is used to adjust the temperature, and 30 temperature rise and fall programs can be set.
Temperature control accuracy ± 1 º C.
It has over temperature protection and couple break protection, and the instrument has the function of temperature Self-tuning.
Touch screen control, data can be stored and copied.
Adopting polycrystalline fiber furnace material, the material has good insulation performance, high reflectivity, and a balanced temperature field.
Vertical tube furnace synthesis gas pyrolysis system
Attention: When introducing gas to suspend sample particles, excessive gas flow may cause particles to pass through the heating zone. Therefore, during the experiment, the gas flow rate should be adjusted based on the size of the particles.
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