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The commissioning of two high temperature box furnaces in a university in Zhengzhou is completed

   It's another season of falling leaves. Autumn is the beauty of fallen leaves. After a gust of wind blows, the leaves change from dense to yellow, and then fall, creating a different scene. Zhengzhou Nuotai Technology engineers came to the university campus early. Today I visited our new customer. Although it is the first time to cooperate, we ordered two high-temperature box furnaces at once. Nuotai engineers quickly completed the commissioning and the equipment is currently operating normally.
box furnace3ptMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
3ptMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
box furnace,muffle furnace
   Affordability, stability and durability have always been our company's pursuit. Thank you again for your support and recognition of Nuotai Technology.3ptMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac


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