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Graphite vacuum brazing furnace

Graphite vacuum brazing furnace

    Application:  Graphite vacuum brazing furnace is mainly used for high-temperature stainless steel brazing and copper brazing and vacuum annealing of high-temperature copper materials. It can also be used for vacuum sintering of low-temperature powder
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Zhengzhou Protech Zhengzhou Protech
Detailed Parameters Of The Product
Application introduction:XhcMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
PT-SM334 Graphite vacuum brazing furnace is mainly used for high-temperature stainless steel brazing and copper brazing and vacuum annealing of high-temperature copper materials. It can also be used for vacuum sintering of low-temperature powder metallurgy, brazing, sintering, solid solution, and failure of stainless steel products. Annealing, tempering above 620℃, copper failure, bright annealing, copper brazing, etc.XhcMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
XhcMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
Product features: XhcMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
    The Graphite vacuum brazing furnace is composed of a main machine, a vacuum system, a water cooling system, a pneumatic system, an electric control system and a transport vehicle outside the furnace.XhcMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
1. Achieve high vacuum to ensure the processing quality of the workpiece.XhcMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
2. The heating elements are evenly arranged to ensure the uniformity of the furnace temperature.XhcMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
3. Graphite heating and graphite felt heat insulation.XhcMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
4. The touch screen interface is friendly and practical. It can display and monitor the operating status of the equipment and can be called. , Edit and store the sintering process, and have dynamic display, historical data can be recorded and exported.XhcMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
5. With safety interlock, fault diagnosis and abnormal alarm functionXhcMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
XhcMuffle Furnace,Tube Furnace,Vacuum Furnace,Atmosphere Furnac
Technical parameters:
Model PT-SM223 (optional) PT-SM334 PT-SM446 (optional) PT-SM557 (optional) PT-SM669 (optional)
Heating area (mm) 200×200×300 300×300×400 400×400×600 500×500×700 600×600×900
Heating power (Kw) 25 48 75 90 150
Maximum temperature (℃) 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350
Ultimate vacuum (Pa) 10pa, 6.7×10-3pa
Heating element graphite
structure Single indoor thermal horizontal structure
Heating rate 0-20℃/min
More specifications can be customized according to requirements


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