1 | Chamber Structure | Cylinder type(no crucible) |
2 | Display | LED |
3 | Max. Temperature | 1700℃ |
4 | Continuous working Temperature | ≤1600℃ |
5 | Heating Rate | Max.0-20℃/min(Suggestion 0~10℃/min) |
6 | Temperature control accuracy | ±1℃ |
7 | Inside Chamber Size | φ200XH350mm |
8 | Heating Element | MoSi2 rods |
9 | Thermocouple | B Type |
10 | Max. Power | 5.0KW |
11 | Working Voltage | AC 380V, three-Phase 50Hz |
12 | Temperature Control | PID automatic control via SCR power control |
13 | Heating curves | 30 steps programmable |
14 | Chamber material | Alumina Fiber |
15 | Furnace sealing | High temperature silicone rubber seal and vacuum flange |
16 | Limited vacuum degree | -0.1Mpa |
17 | Warranty | One year limited warranty (Consumable parts such as heating elements are not covered by the warranty) |
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