Tube inner diameter | 25mm | Heat zone length | 300*300*300mm |
Tube outer diameter | 30mm | Limit temeprature | 1200℃ |
Heat zone num | 3 | Max working temperature | 1100℃ |
Quartz tube total length | 1300mm for reference | Controller | Touch screen |
Fiber liner | High purity alumina fiber | Heating rate | 0~20c/min |
Thermal couple | K Type | Temperature uniformity | +/-5 ℃ |
Heating element | Resistance wire with Mo | Max heating power | 4.2kw |
Features: 1) Split design for faster cooling 2) 18curves, 30 Segments for programmable heating process 3)Unique cabinet design & easy operation 4) USB port for data record export 5) Separate controller to guarantee good temperature control |
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